Kaldi’s Coffee: From Bean to Cup to Office Essentials

Kaldi's Coffee at Office Essentials
We were fortunate to have the fine folks from Kaldi’s Coffee here with us this morning for a sales meeting where they taught us all about their process. From the fair trade sourcing of their beans to their roasting process, everything about Kaldi’s is unique, sustainable and local.

Those principles match up well with ours, so it was a natural fit for us to partner with them to bring their coffee to you at work. We’ve had their coffee available for a while now, but this was the first time we got an in-depth look at how they make their coffee.

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Didn’t know we offered Kaldi’s? Check out our office coffee page for details.


Anyway, their entire process is something to see. From origin to the roasting of the coffee beans right here in St. Louis, Kaldi’s passion for coffee is evident and contagious. If you have never been to their roastery for a tour, I highly recommend it.

In the meantime, if you want to see what we saw today, carve out a few minutes and watch this Emmy Award-winning Feast Magazine feature that follows Kaldi’s beans all the way from El Salvador to your cup. And when you’re ready to brew Kaldi’s at your office, let us know, we can make it happen.

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Greg Bussmann
About Greg Bussmann 329 Articles
Greg Bussmann is a Marketing Specialist at Office Essentials. He is a lifelong, proud St. Louisan, a technology enthusiast, husband, and father to four daughters and three dogs. He enjoys watching the St. Louis Cardinals and Blues. Email Greg anytime.