Autopilot Managed Print Program Overview

How To Buy Less Toner and Paper

At Office Essentials, we’re the only toner & paper people who want to show you how to buy less toner & paper. Our Autopilot Managed Print Program has many options that we can customize to your unique needs, and start saving you serious money right away. [Read More]

how are you getting your sports fix?
Office Life

How Are You Getting Your Sports Fix?

In the blink of an eye, sports went away. We were all left wondering what would occupy our evenings & weekends. What would we endlessly debate and argue with our friends and coworkers about? Well, it seems that most of us have found something to fill that void and get a sports fix, even if it’s obscure or pushing the boundaries of what constitutes a sport. OE is full of sports fans like me, and I asked a few of them what they are doing to fill the void. Here are their (and my) answers, maybe something will strike a chord with you and help you distract yourself from the quarantine. [Read More]

Jam out to our WFH playlist
Work Happier

Jam out with our WFH playlist

To help break the silence and monotony (or drown out the noise), we asked our staff to suggest a song for a playlist of music inspired by the quarantine. Crossing many genres of music, we hope the playlist will help you jam out for a moment, or sharpen your focus, or give you some background noise that’s less distracting than putting the TV on. Maybe it will even lift your spirits. [Read More]


10 Ways To Be Greener At Work Without Spending More Money

Since it is Earth Day and being sustainable is in our DNA, we came up with a list of 10 simple ways Office Essentials can help you be more sustainable at work. We’ve done a lot of research on green office supplies, and how businesses can incorporate them into their daily routine without spending more money. These tips are just the tip of the iceberg. We would love to meet [Read More]

Work Happier

Postcard from the edge (of quarantine)

Unlike many others, I am not teaching my children, but I do find myself answering questions I often can’t properly explain. I do know that we are making memories, and the most of our time together at home. I hope you and your family are doing the same! [Read More]