Company News

OE Celebrates Opening Day

Once again this year, we were privileged to be included among our fellow Cardinals’ sponsors at the official Opening Day Pep Rally. While the weather was questionable to start, it turned into a beautiful day to celebrate this unofficial St. Louis holiday with the rest of Cardinal Nation. By the end of the day, we had over 300 people stop by our tent for a photo op with our Facebook [Read More]

Tips for effective meetings
Work Happier

9 Tips For More Effective Meetings

Is there anything more frustrating than having to interrupt your actual work to go attend a meeting that you know will not be the best use of your time? The pain is real: the average employee goes to 62 meetings a month! Half of those are deemed a waste of time, which means most workers spend about 31 hours per month in unproductive meetings. [Tweet “Did you know? The average [Read More]