A new study from Texas A&M University found that standing desks lead to an increased productivity and comfort.
From the Wall Street Journal
Stand-up desks have been gaining popularity in recent years, but reports on their benefits have been mixed, and much of the focus has been on whether they help workers to be healthier and more comfortable. Researchers at Texas A&M University now report that, in their study, the workers were indeed more comfortable, probably because they were moving—and that the standing desks benefited their employers as well.
The researchers found that workers at a call center who were given “stand-capable” desks—ones that were either adjustable to standing height or set to standing position—were 46% more productive than workers with traditional seated desks. This was the case even though the workers at these stand-capable desks had less experience on the job.
Beginner’s luck probably wasn’t a factor, the scientists say, since the bulk of the productivity gains didn’t set in until the workers’ second month at the standing desks, and all had been employed for at least 90 days.
We’ve been seeing this same thing ourselves, both internally with our employees, and with our customers. The most popular option is definitely the stand-capable desks, or what we call sit to stand desks. People love them and have no interest in going back to sitting full time.
Send us an email if you would like more information, or even to stop by our showroom and try one out.