6 Ways a Clean Office Can Boost Productivity

Want to boost productivity in your office? It’s time to declutter, tidy up and leave those work desks clutter-free and sparklingly clean!

An infographic by Cleaning Services Group, shows the direct correlation between a clean and tidy office space and a more productive day’s work. Here are 6 Ways a Clean Office Can Boost Productivity:

Increased Focus

In a clean working environment, you are less likely to be distracted by cluttered objects, and that greater level of concentration leads to more and better work being done.

Less Time Wasted

A lot of time can be squandered when searching for documents in a messy workspace. In cleaner, well-organized offices, paperwork can be tacked down easily and quickly.

Less Stress

A cluttered desk can result in you trying to focus on too many things at once, which lowers your stress threshold.

Greater Profitability

Instead of wasting time looking for documents, workers in a clean office get more work done, which helps with profitability in the long-term. The International Data Corporation found that untidy workplaces can lose out on $2.5 million per year in lost productivity owing to searching for documents.

Less Absenteeism

An unclean working environment could result in staff falling ill and a high amount of sick leave being taken., Clean workspaces should help to cut down on absenteeism.

Improved Morale

Employees in a clean working environment are naturally likely to be happier than those in untidy environments and employees who are happy in their work are likely to get more done than those who dislike their job.

office productivity clean space

Greg Bussmann
About Greg Bussmann 329 Articles
Greg Bussmann is a Marketing Specialist at Office Essentials. He is a lifelong, proud St. Louisan, a technology enthusiast, husband, and father to four daughters and three dogs. He enjoys watching the St. Louis Cardinals and Blues. Email Greg anytime.